Komodo Tours 2 days

Komodo Tours 2 Days

The Komodo Tours 2 Days 1 Night is a extraordinary visit to Komodo National Stop for two days and one night. Places gone by on this visit: The must-see traveler attractions on this visit are: Kelor Island, Rinca Island, Padar Island, Pink Shoreline, Komodo Island, Manta Point, Karang Makasar, Menjerite and Kalong Island.

Komodo Tours 2 Days

The Komodo Tours 2 Days begins with a pick-up from your lodging in Labuan Bajo and closes in Labuan Bajo. On the other hand, if you have an early flight from Bali or Jakarta to Labuan Bajo, we will choose you up straightforwardly from the airplane terminal and proceed on. Destinations and Exercises

Komodo Tours 2 Days

 Day 1: Labuan Bajo – Kelo Island – MENJERITE – Rinca Island – Galung Island (Breakfast/Dinner) 09.30 – 10.15 Choose up from lodging and airplane terminal in Labuan Bajo and exchange to the wharf We board the pontoon and cruise to Kelo Island We snorkeled and climbed on Kelo Island. After that we proceeded to Menjerite for snorkeling. At that point we will go to Rinca Island where we will see Komodo winged serpents and other natural life. We will go by pontoon to Karon Island Nightfall at Karon Island whereas observing natural product bats rise from the mangrove timberland Supper and overnight on board

Day 2: Padar Island → Komodo Island → Pink Shoreline – Manta Point → Labuan Bajo (B/L) Nowadays we will begin our climb at 06.00 and return to the pontoon at 08.30. After investing time at Padar Island, our vessel will proceed to the following goal, Komodo Island. On Komodo Island we will walk around the island to see Komodo mythical serpents and other natural life such as Timor deer, wild hog, wild buffalo, etc. We went to Pink Shoreline, where lunch was served on the watercraft. Pink Shoreline is a extraordinary put for snorkeling, so you can spend a part of time here to investigate, and there is moreover a lovely, clean shoreline to unwind on. After taking off Pink Shoreline we will halt at Manta Point to snorkel and attempt to capture manta beams at this spot. When you arrive in Labuan Bajo, you will be dropped off at your inn and the visit will conclusion.

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